We have a composting loo, the birdhouses finally get put up, we made a new stove and the roundhouse got a top hat.
It’s been a while since the last farm blog post, however today’s work day was inspiring. In spite of coronavirus fears we had a splendid turnout and got a lot done. We welcomed new members, had visitors and some volunteers working towards their Duke of Edinburgh awards. Time to update you on some of our projects, some have taken rather longer than one would expect.
So we made some birdhouses back in Jan 2019, but they got forgotten and didn’t get put up until a few weeks ago.

Loo for number 2s
In the summer we were very fortunate to have won a grant from The Sheffield Town Trust to allow us to buy a very nice proper composting toilet. Wanting to post about it when it was complete time has ticked by. By complete I mean, delivered, moved to it’s location, hand wash sink plumbed in, and baby changing table installed. Well we’ve got most of that done, here it is…

The only thing left to do is the baby changing table!
@The Sheffield Town Trust thank you so much, this is huge improvement to the farm’s facilities.
Very hot gas bottle

Round house gets a hat
For a while now we’ve discussed the need for the roundhouse to have a sort of top hat to protect the structural roof timbers sticking up through the middle of the roof which had started to suffer from exposure to the elements. We finally got around to making an ambitious polythene wrapped skylight complete with hole for the stove flue.

Elsewhere on the farm