Dead hedge and wreath making

We made our first dead hedge and everyone enjoyed our Christmas wreath making event.

A dead hedge

Helen had suggested we use some of the wood waste to create a dead hedge. We made our first one!
We cleared this area to increase the size of our topmost livestock pen, and the waste became dead hedge filling
We put verticals in at regular intervals in two lines a couple of feet apart
This should (when it’s longer) improve security and provide a fantastic wildlife habitat
This is it! Only took a few hours, looks great.

Christmas Wreathes

It’s been a number of years since we did one of these events, but everyone seemed to enjoy doing it.

Lee-Anne led the event instruction
Our participants busy making their own
Some of the farmies also joined in and made theirs too
Kelly was our marketing guru. She spread the word amongst her numerous contacts.
We provided hot drinks and Wendy’s homemade soup and bread for lunch
Martin captained the kitchen and become something of a marshmallow pusher, getting the kids bouncing with sugar
This is the photo-shy (not) Connie after hot chocolate and a significant number of marshallows
Connie and Amos made wreathes as well
Connie showing off her creation
Jennie part way through making her wreath
Everyone showing off their marvellous Christmas decorations.