Another great workday, lots of attendees and lots of work done. Chicken run finished!
On the farm we refer to the little door the hens use to get from the the hen house to the their run as a poop hole.
Hot Bed
Asha, Harry and Robert constructed a hot bed in the No Dig polytunnel – there will be no sleeping in it though – it will be filled with fresh manure (of horse production) and left to rot before turning to form a nice warm bed where we can provide a heated environment for our early seedlings or grow squash/melons early in the season.

Another big pile of… compost

Asha spent a lot of time riddling compost from one of our many compost bays so that we can use it to plant seedlings. Anything that is still too big or not rotted will be returned to a re-structured heap in layers with fresh weeds/greens or manure to start again for next year.

Hen-house addition finished at last

Tidy veg shed
Lee-Anne cleared out the veg shed so that you can actually walk into it and see what’s in there!
She dismantled a whole large heavy chest of drawers by herself (with a large hammer about twice her body weight) – it was not at all obvious that she has some personal frustrations that were much improved by said demolition.

Mouth watering pork

That fabulous cat